Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vanuatu's High Commissioner to Australia presents his Credentials to Governor General of Australia

Thursday, 22 March 2012, marked another milestone in Vanuatu’s history books when the Vanuatu’s High Commissioner to Australia, His Excellency Kalfau Kaloris presented his credentials to the Governor of Australia, Ms. Quentin Bryce.

CVSA has been very supportive in providing assistance to His Excellency, Honourable Kaloris and the Acting Director of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Johnny Koanapo, during their visit in Canberra for this historical event.

To commemorate and celebrate this historical event, CVSA organized a get-together with Mr. Kaloris and Mr. Koanapo on Thursday, 22 March 2012 evening at Mr. Howard Aru’s residence in Canberra.

Mr. Howard Aru, president of CVSA thanked and congratulated His Excellency Kaloris and the Acting Director of Foreign Affairs for a job well done. He mentioned that CVSA was informed over the last few years and has been waiting to see the actual setting up of the office of the embassy. “But today has marked a history for Vanuatu and for CVSA, we the very members of CVSA are happy that we are part of this historical event and we are proud of it”, said the President of CVSA.

In his few remarks, His Excellency, Honourable Kaloris thanked CVSA for being very supportive. “Although, it takes a long journey to get to where we are today, it is a beginning of another long journey to get the office into full operation”, he said. He said that his office and the embassy as a whole will need the support from members of CVSA.

“It was 10:15am when we were picked up from Novotel Hotel by a convoy guarded by motor bikes as we headed to the residence of the Governor General of Australia”, was his opening remarks. Mr. Johnny Koanapo, Acting Director of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of strategically having Vanuatu’s embassy in Canberra. He said Vanuatu will benefit from its embassy in Canberra to Australia in many ways. He firmly urged the students to make use of the office but most importantly be part of the embassy and have the sense of ownership of the high office.