The number of Vanuatu students including their families studying in Canberra has gradually increased now to 27 and this has necessitated the need to have a well organised body that will help to coordinate Vanuatu tertiary students’ needs and concerns in Canberra. Given the increased interaction between Vanuatu and Australia on a number of areas including academic field, training and capacity building of government officials in Canberra, it is important to have such organisation in place to ensure that coordination of information and activities to and from the Vanuatu students can be done through the association. The association hopes to build networks with other Vanuatu students studying in other institutions around Australia and abroad in continuing virtual debates on different government policies.
The actual executive of the association (since July 2013) comprises of Mr Sylvain Kalsakau, President of the Association, Mr Louis Georges, Secretary , Mrs Viran M. Brown, Treasurer and Mr Brisco Robson, member.
Current CVSA Executive
* ANU = Australian National University
** UC = University of Canberra