Saturday, August 31, 2013

Vanuatu chosen as a destination by UniLodge

Vanuatu is chosen as a destination in the UniLodge's stall today at the University of Canberra' open day.

Visitor's to the today's open day are to enter their names with UniLodge staff at the UniLodge stall to go into the draw to win a trip to Vanuatu. 

This was really exciting to see Vanuatu being a place people, especially in Canberra, will want to go to get out of the cold.

This is great news for our country, Vanuatu. It was later discovered during a few chats with the staff in the UniLodge stall that Vanuatu is selected out of a few other countries. Observing the number of people turning up at the stall, makes me feel that Vanuatu is a popular place that people would want to visit. Let us keep our country safe and promote Vanuatu as the best attractive, happiest, and safest place for holiday.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Executive

Canberra Vanuatu Students Association (CVSA) elected its new Executive today (8 August 2013).

The new executive is headed by Mr. Sylvain Kalsakau as President, Mrs. Viran Brown as Treasurer and Mr. Louis George as the association's Secretary.

The election was held during the association's meeting held at Macleay street (Sylvain's residence).

Prior to the election, the outgoing President, Mr. Robson Iavro, gave a brief report of the achievements of the association. One every important one is the level of contribution and support provided by CVSA to the Canberra Vanuatu community at large. With this continuous support and contribution, the association witnessed the establishment of the Vanuatu High Commission and its successful organising and hosting of functions, the successful Vanuatu Kastom exhibition organised and hosted by the National Gallery of Australia and many others.

The outgoing President thanked everyone for their wonderful support, trust, commitment and cooperation that they have rendered to the outgoing executive.

On his few remarks, the newly elected President, Mr. Sylvain Kalsakau thanked the outgoing executive and every member of the association for the trust given to the newly elected executive. He further stressed that the new executive will need all the support and cooperation from the outgoing executive and all members.

The evening ended with coffee and lovely scones and cake baked by Viran and everyone at Macleay street.